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Practical Database Programming With Visual Basi...

The most up-to-date Visual Basic.NET programming textbook--covering both fundamentals and advanced-level programming techniques--complete with examples and solutionsVisual Basic.NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be viewed as an evolution of the classic Visual Basic (VB), which is implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft currently supplies two major implementations of Visual Basic: Microsoft Visual Studio (which is commercial software) and Microsoft Visual Studio Express (which is free of charge).Forgoing the large amounts of programming codes found in most database programming books, Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET shows students and professionals both how to develop professional and practical database programs in a Visual Basic.NET environment by using Visual Studio.NET Data Tools and Wizards related to ADO.NET 4.0, and how to apply codes that are auto-generated by solely using Wizards. The fully updated Second EditionCovers both fundamentals and advanced database programming techniquesIntroduces three popular database systems with practical examples including MS Access, SQL Server 2008, and OracleFeatures more than fifty sample projects with detailed illustrations and explanations to help students understand key techniques and programming technologiesIncludes downloadable programming codes and exercise questionsThis book provides undergraduate and graduate students as well as database programmers and software engineers with the necessary tools to handle the database programming issues in the Visual Studio.NET environment.

Practical Database Programming with Visual Basi...

Forgoing the large amounts of programming codes found in most database programming books, Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET shows students and professionals both how to develop professional and practical database programs in a Visual Basic.NET environment by using Visual Studio.NET Data Tools and Wizards related to ADO.NET 4.0, and how to apply codes that are auto-generated by solely using Wizards.

The course introduces information technology used in day-to-day business operations. It covers business applications software for office management, communication, project management, relational databases, eCommerce, web development, data transmission and networks, etc. The course also covers such basic information systems concepts as querying simple databases, data analysis and database design. Laboratory instruction is used to complement the course with hands-on experience with a set of above applications. The course is designed for students who will work as end-users, user-managers, leaders, or information systems professionals.

The course introduces multimedia systems from a theoretical and practical perspective. Topics covered include: computer manipulation of images, music, animation, and video, including theoretical aspects of lighting, color, elementary acoustics principles, motion, perspective, graphical and sound file formats, and network transmission. Various software packages will be introduced: for raster and vector graphics; for 2-D- and 3-D-modeling and animation; for sound recording and editing. Using these software packages and applying the principles learned in the course, students will practice creating, processing, and modifying graphics and sound. Students will gain practical hands-on experience through the course work and understand the operating principles of multimedia systems. No programming background is assumed.

Advanced visual Basic programming techniques with graphical user interface and Active X controls. Topics include: multiple forms and other GUI elements, database concepts and interacting with databases, server side web programming, dynamic and static data types, arrays, files, lists, stacks and queues, concept of classes and related notions, designing Windows API calls and Windows registry functions and advanced event-driven business applications. The course provides a computer laboratory component to ensure practice with the above concepts.

An advanced course in server-side web programming. Topics include: cookies, file and database access, portals and web applications; server side scripting. Knowledge of HTML, and of C++, Java, or Visual Basic are required.

Students will study the history of robots, understand the differences in types of robots, explore artificial intelligence through readings and lab work with the Raspberry Pi microcomputer and python programming language, work with sensors, where necessary work with servos and motors, demonstrate understanding of electrical components involved in physical computing, design and attempt construction of programmable and autonomous robots using the Raspberry Pi as a foundation. Working in teams, the students will demonstrate their successes and describe and demonstrate their efforts in a final project.

Computer networking overview; OSI model and network layers; Ethernet and other local area network technologies; routing and data flow control; point-to-point, broadcasting, local and wide area networks; internetworking; modern network management protocols; network administration. Some programming assignments and practical work may be assigned to gain understanding of the network protocols.

Review of business programming language principles and techniques; interfacing with computing environment; sorting, table handling, indexing and searching; preparation and handling of data; file organization, and file update; business system analysis, design and implementation; introduction to business information systems.

Designing client-server applications with sockets; traffic analysis; building concurrent and multi-service servers; designing network protocols; measuring and analyzing performance of protocols. Students will complete a number of programming and network analysis experiments during the semester.

Overview of data and information sharing; principles of information sharing; information security; data mining, data warehousing, and data marts; data modeling; data collection, problems, quality, and integrity; databases and content management; business intelligence; online analytical processing; data visualization, multidimensionality, and real-time analytics; examples of data warehousing and data mining - geographic information systems, web intelligence, resource management, multimedia-based databases, knowledge bases, etc. CSIT 121 is a prerequisite. CSIT 221 is recommended but not required.

Designing client-server application with sockets; traffic analysis; building concurrent and multi-service servers; designing network protocols; measuring and analyzing performance of protocols. Students will complete a number of programming and network analysis experiments during the semester. Background assumed: Data Communication and Networks II or equivalent.

Topics include: time and space complexity; verification of correctness; advanced algorithm design strategies (iterative, divide-and-conquer, greedy methods, dynamic programming, branch-and-bound, etc., with specific examples drawn from sorting, searching, graph theory, matrix and polynomial arithmetic, and cryptography); hard problems and approximation algorithms, with examples such as napsack, bin-packing, and graph coloring problems; introduction to parallel algorithms as time permits. Background assumed: Mathematical Structures and Proof and Data Structures.

The course exposes students to a wide range of state-of-the-art research and techniques in the field of computational biology. This is a modern discipline dealing with the discovery and implementation of algorithms facilitating the understanding of biological processes. Various statistical, heuristic, and machine learning methods are used for this purpose, as well as graphical tools to visualize the objects. The course is intended to present some biological problems related to the human genome and the computational methods to resolve them. It will cover an introduction to computational biology, the use of computational methods to search for, classify, analyze, and model protein sequences, i.e. to convert the masses of information from biochemical experiments into useful information.

The Computer and Mathematical Sciences Department offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science Students are provided with a rigorous theoretical background coupled with practical and essential skills to begin either a rewarding career in the computer field or advanced studies in graduate school. The programs reflect important trends and developments in the computer field.The Computer Science degree program is based on the Computing Science Curricula 2013 prepared by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE Computer Society. This degree has a significant mathematics component. Students should work with an advisor to select the elective courses that are most appropriate to their interests.

U 172 Introduction to Computer Modeling 3 cr. Offered every term. Prereq., previous computer experience and MATH 100 or equiv. score on math placement test, or consent of instr. Problem solving with spreadsheets and databases using the computer to analyze a set of data; presentation of results of analysis. Credit not allowed for CS 170, MGMT 170, CS 195 Computer Applications, CS 195 Computer Modeling, or CRT 290 and this course.

UG 481 Architectures and Parallel Processing 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., CS 232 and 344. Examination of processing components and modern processor architecture. Systems with implicit parallelism vs. parallel compiling vs. distributed computing. Examination of operating system support features and programming strategies.

UG 486 Data Visualization 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., MATH 152; programming experience; and junior, senior, or graduate status; or consent of instr. Visualization fundamentals and applications using special visualization software; formulation of 3-D empirical models; translation of 3-D models into graphical displays; time sequences and pseudo-animation; interactive versus presentation techniques; special techniques for video, CD and other media. 041b061a72




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